Republic Day Celebration at BigBoxx Acadmey

Republic Day is the India’s pride and we all celebrate it in our societies, schools and other educational institution by Flag Hosting, performing cultural activities, organizing the various singing competition and speeches on the struggle and life of the freedom fighters. This is the day when our Nation became democratic and decided to choose the government of the people. We at BigBoxx Academy with our staff and students celebrated the Republic Day with democratic awareness among the youths to abolish the evils in our society.  On this National Holiday, we spread the right to freedom message to our society people where we all free to facilitate our rights. As being an Indian citizen, we should be responsible for our duties towards our country. We should make ourselves up-to-date, read the news and be completely aware of what are going on in our country, what are going on wrong or right, what are our leaders doing and firstly what we are doing for our country. Choosing the right leader is the in our hand and one must vote to elect that right leader who can direct our Nation’s lead in the right direction. We should not let go easily the priceless sacrifices of our freedom fighter in the hands of the evils that are prevailing in our country. We at BigBoxx Academy convey the message to step against the corruption, terrorism, illiteracy, inequality and other social discrimination. On this best day, we should oath to take care of our Nations Pride, Freedom, and Dignity. Let every patriot be honored, don’t let politics get in between. As we wouldn’t have achieved freedom without them, No one can’t repay their sacrifices. Freedom in Mind, Faith in Words, Pride in our Heart, Memories in our Souls. Let’s Salute the Nation on Republic Day. Jai Hind!!